Mission 4.7 Champion

Rilli Lappalainen_headshot.jpeg

Rilli Lappalainen

Chair and Founder, Bridge 47

Education Task Force

Bridge 47 coordinates the Bridge 47 Network, a network including members from all sectors of society working on transformative education and Target 4.7 can come together to learn and exchange.

Bridge 47 advocates for global and European level policies that recognise the key role Target 4.7 and transformative education play in achieving Agenda 2030.

Bridge 47 advocates for global and European level policies that recognise the key role Target 4.7 and transformative education play in achieving Agenda 2030.

Bridge 47 coordinates two different 4.7 policy working groups, focusing on global and European policies, and open to anyone interested in collaborating on raising the profile of target 4.7. in relevant policies.