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Amplifying Student Voices: Inspiring Local SDGs Action through Student-Led Initiatives

This ICSD 2023 side event supports the theme "The Midpoint of the SDGs: Global and Local Progress & Challenges." It aims to highlight the efforts of Global Schools as well as other school communities and partners in localizing the SDGs and equipping students with tools to promote the SDGs at the local level.

The event will provide a platform for students from diverse regions to share their experiences, successes, and challenges in integrating the SDGs within their communities. Through a series of dynamic presentations and panel discussions, students will showcase their innovative projects, campaigns, ideas and initiatives that contribute to sustainable development and address the SDG targets. They will discuss the motivation behind their actions, the impact they have made, and the lessons learnt along the way.

Register for ICSD to attend!

The side event is hosted by Mission 4.7 partners the Global Schools Program and the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University.

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International Conference on Sustainable Development 2023